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Fire Scars
by John B. Wright

Personal - memories, cried - frighening

The Handmaid's Tale
by Margaret Atwood

Not sure why this isn’t being added to my list.

The Handmaid's Tale
by Margaret Atwood

I previously reviewed but the book wasn’t added to my list.

The Handmaid's Tale
by Margaret Atwood

THT contains important lessons learned through history that have been compiled into a captivating story.

The Testaments
by Margaret Atwood

The Testaments gives additional context to THT, challenging what the reader thinks they know.

The Little Old Lady Who Broke All The Rules
by Catharina Ingelman-Sundberg

Elderly friends and retirement home shake things up. Not content with being told when to go to bed and getting lousy food there take matters into their own hands… What do they have to lose?


Nonfiction fun, getting 47 rescue dogs from California to Maine

The Story of Country
by Editors Of Silver Dolphin Books

Cute history of country music stars.

The Last Word
by Taylor Adams

One of the most fast-paced thrillers I’ve read in awhile! My heart was beating from the moment I read the first page. With this cold weather, paired with this perfect thriller, I was in book heaven and read the entire novel this afternoon!

The Golden Rule
by Ilene Cooper

Loved the golden rule
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